StruXure Outdoor has chosen Engineering Express as their premier design firm
to offer VIP engineering services to corporate & their dealers.

Engineering Express has designed over 1,000 StruXure projects & counting.

StruXure Dealers Needing Engineering For Permits:

> Guaranteed competitive pricing
> Fastest turn-around times
> Professional & personal services
> Value-engineered projects
> Award-winning proprietary project quoting & management software

Call or Text Engineering Express for help:
StruXure VIP Client Direct Line: 

Or Click To Live Chat

StruXure's Commercial Direct Division has worked with Engineering Express for many years. When faced with challenges, their team has worked through these instances with us and we are always confident that they approach each project with expertise and professionalism. They are an integral part of our team efforts and they assist us in being able to "deliver" on and meet expectations for our clients.

Dealers: Purchase Pre-Engineered Evaluation Reports For Permtting

These Plans are non-site specific with a range of design options that are signed and sealed in the state of your choosing. Use them in conjunction with a design professional’s site-specific layout to submit for a building permit where applicable.  Always check with the local building official before going this route.  Click here to request a site-specific drawing or Click to Live ChatLearn More

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Coming Soon: Cabana X Engineering Report – Use for permitting where required by code.  VIP Members will be notified when ready.

Browse over 700 Plans for use in permitting including plans for concrete foundations, fence & railing, and much more.

View & Download the StruXure ICC Louver Evaluation Report

Click here or the image to the right to access the ICC Evaluation report online

Read this article to learn more about how reports like these are voluntary and how an engineer can modify them for your needs

Vip Member Benefit: Access our StruXure Design Tool.

Site-Specific StruXure clients obtain access to continuously updated tools to aid in sizing beams, columns, foundations & connections created by Engineering Express.

This is the fastest, most cost-effective StruXure design method on the planet.

Other Helpful Resources

In Development:

A new suite of Performance Evaluations to help estimate, permit, & build. 

With the lastest engineering, systems, spans, beams, columns, connections & foundations, these plans will take you to the next level of design.


Help Center

Articles to help StruXure & general Outdoor Spaces installers & designers curated from permitting, engineering, and general design needs.

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