Construction Research Lab (CRL formally CTL)

Miami based, multi-service accredited test lab


ASTM E-283      Rate of Air Leakage through Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls and Doors

ASTM E-330      Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls and Doors

ASTM E-331      Water Penetration of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls and Doors

ASTM E-547      Water Penetration of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls and Doors

ASTM F-588      Resistance of Window Assemblies to Forced Entry, Excluding Glazing

ASTM E-783      Field Measurement of Air Leakage through Installed Exterior Windows and Doors

ASTM F-842       Measurement of Forced Entry Resistance of Horizontal Sliding Door Assemblies

ASTM E-987       Deglazing Force of Fenestration Products

ASTM E-1105     Field Determination of Water Penetration of Installed Exterior Windows,

                             Curtain Walls and Doors

ASTM E-1233     Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls and Doors

ASTM E-1592     Structural Performance of Sheet Metal Roof and Siding Systems

AAMA 101         Voluntary Specifications for Aluminum, Vinyl and Wood Windows and Doors

AAMA 101.5      Thermal Cycling of Exterior Walls

AAMA 501         Methods of Test for Exterior Walls

AAMA 501.1      Water Penetration of Windows, Curtain Walls and Doors Using Dynamic Pressure

AAMA 501.2      Water Leakage Field Check of Installed Storefronts, Curtain Walls and Sloped

                             Glazing Systems

AAMA 501.4      Static Test Method for Evaluating Curtain Walls Storefront Systems Subjected to

                             Wind Induced Interstory Drifts

AAMA 910        Test Methods for Architectural Grade Windows and Sliding Glass Doors

AAMA 1302.5    Forced Entry Aluminum Prime Windows

AAMA 1303.5    Forced Entry Resistant Aluminum Sliding Glass Doors

ANSI Z97.1         Methods of Test for Safety Glazing Materials

Miami-Dade PA 201     Impact Testing

State of  FL TAS 201     Impact Testing

Miami-Dade PA 202     Impact and Non-Impact Resistant Building Envelope Components

State of  FL TAS 202     Impact and Non-Impact Resistant Building Envelope Components

Miami-Dade PA 203     Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading

State of  FL TAS 203     Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading

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