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Topics include common company questions, online plan & site specific job ordering, codes & standards, engineering principles & general questions.
FAQ + Knowledge Base Article Summary
- The Ultimate Guide To Creating A Window – Door Retrofit Permit Package In South Florida 187 /
- What Are Florida Building Code Declaratory Statements And Where Can I Find And Submit Them? 333 /
- ASCE 7 Risk Categories Explained 5347 /
- What is a delagate engineer and what are their responsibilties 519 /
- What is the process to renew a Miami Dade NOA I have? 892 /
- Whats the difference between the Miami Dade NOA Quality Assurance Date and the Building Code Expiration Date? 700 /
- FAQ How do I submit my completed drawings to the city? 668 /
- What Services Do We Offer And Don’t Offer? 603 /
- *** Find More Help With Product Approvals Here *** 923 /
- What’s the difference between ground and roof snow load for patio covers? 11366 /
- Performance Limitations for Mechanical Equipment & TER Certifications 1320 /
- Snow Build-Over On Pergolas, Trellises & Mechanically Louvered Roofs (Cornice Effect) 2493 /
- Sunroom Terminology 2178 /
- Pros and Cons of Obtaining a Florida Statewide Approval Vs A Miami Dade Approval and how a TER fits in 2504 /
- How Do I Get Approval To Substitute Glass Type-Interlayer On My Product Evaluation? 696 /
- Door and Hardware Online Glossary 943 /
- Performance Requirements Typically Requested On Project Specifications 1341 /
- FAQ How can I pay for something custom that’s not a store product or something quoted? 684 /
- FAQ Search our AC model Database 931 /
- I see values for F1 and F2 on Evaluation Reports. What are they? 1222 /
- FAQ The building department is asking for design wind speed – risk category – exposure – address on my plan – performance evaluation – TER What do I tell them? 1062 /
- How To Validate A Digital Signature On An Engineers Digitally-Sealed Plan 2533 /
- How To Use Performance Evaluations – TER’s – Calculator Reports Purchased From Engineering Express 4415 /
- What are editorial changes to products registered in the Florida Product Approval System? 1415 /
- FAQ When will I receive my order? How long does it take to get my digitally signed-sealed file sent to me? 1436 /
- FAQ Why is there an expiration on digitally signed-sealed plans and how does that work for permitting? 1071 /
- FAQ The date on my plans is old – Do I need a plan with a current date? 906 /
- FAQ I need a wind load chart for window – door – garage door installation. What do I do? 1167 /
- FAQ How can you leave my order outside in one of your office pickup boxes? 820 /
- FAQ I need help finding a tie down detail for permit 2052 /
- FAQ How do I know if a payment went through for my online order? 1134 /
- FAQ How can clients in the South Florida area save money on shipping fees on project hardcopy deliveries? 851 /
- What are your business hours / time that you are open and what is your location? 882 /
- FAQ Is the 7th Edition Florida Building Code still valid? That’s what it says on my plan. 853 /
- FAQ I heard there’s a calculator online that can help me but I can’t find it. What do I do? 786 /
- FAQ Can you verify the size of the plan I’m going to receive? 652 /
- FAQ How can I verify prices for an online plan? Your site shows a range of prices. 724 /
- FAQ I made a mistake with an online calculator value. How can that be fixed? 798 /
- FAQ I have a change in a site specific project that’s in progress / completed. What do I do? 680 /
- FAQ I have a technical question on an online plan. Can you help me? 772 /
- FAQ I need to create an NOA / product approval for my product. What’s the process? 1932 /
- FAQ How can I find the sealed wind load chart I’m told I need for permit? 789 /
- FAQ How can I get a copy of your W-9? 695 /
- FAQ I have a different brand product than the one you specify but it’s similar. How can I get mine certified for permit? 705 /
- FAQ I have a different size generator than those listed on a concrete pad master plan. How can that be added? 758 /
- FAQ I received a hardcopy (printed) plan and need a digitally signed-sealed file. What do I do? 690 /
- FAQ I’d like to use an EFT (electronic funds transfer) or ACH instead of a credit card. Can you help with that? 745 /
- FAQ I need an inspection done. Can you help? 730 /
- FAQ What’s the difference between a hardcopy and a digitally signed – sealed file? 792 /
- FAQ I’m a homeowner in need of a site specific plan / custom project. Can you help? 766 /
- FAQ I placed an order for pickup that now needs to be shipped. What do I do? 787 /
- FAQ I received a comment from the city / building department / plan reviewer on an online plan. What do I do? 684 /
- FAQ I placed an order for engineering through E-Tempest / one of your online affiliates. How can I find out the status? 788 /
- FAQ I made a mistake on the zip code of an online digital order. What do I do? 704 /
- FAQ How can I cancel an online order? 709 /
- FAQ How can I modify an existing quote request placed through ExpressPass? 681 /
- FAQ I need a wind calculation for a roof. Can Engineering Express help with that? 843 /
- Can you help me find Existing Florida Product approval, Miami Dade NOA, or ICC-ES information and plans? 2199 /
- FAQ I can’t find an order that was supposedly emailed to me. What can I do? 791 /
- FAQ How can I change a contact for your ExpressPass site specific project? 862 /
- FAQ I ordered a project through E-Tempest. What’s the process for receiving a digitally signed-sealed file? 873 /
- FAQ Can I get a discount on volume plan store orders? 749 /
- FAQ I’m looking for a model not shown on the chart in a Technical Evaluation Report (TER). What do I do? 722 /
- FAQ How can I clarify my account status with Engineering Express? 660 /
- FAQ How can I confirm you have my current address for shipping? 736 /
- FAQ I have a question about project statuses and what DRAFT means 845 /
- FAQ How do I check the project status of my project with Engineering Express? 683 /
- FAQ How can I get my digitally signed – sealed file resent to me? 687 /
- FAQ This is my first time paying for an invoice. How can I pay? 703 /
- FAQ The Readymade master plan I ordered didn’t solve my need. I need a site-specific. What do I do? 688 /
- FAQ I need to place an online plan order for a digitally signed-sealed file. How does that work? 774 /
- FAQ I have questions about a project we are working on 1131 /
- FAQ How do I know if my order is ready for pickup? 651 /
- What is the process for submitting site specific projects to Engineering Express? 678 /
- FAQ I’m a contractor looking to purchase a fence / gate or similar plan. What do I do? 774 /
- FAQ What digital signing company does Engineering Express use for digitally signing design plans? 962 /
- FAQ I’m a homeowner looking for a fence & gate (or similar) plan for permit. What do I do? 769 /
- Residential & Commercial Terms & Engineering Design Differences 101 2262 /
- Learn About Rooftop & Ground Wind Forces for Mechanical Units 1746 /
- Subscription Services Offered by Engineering Express 1985 /
- Starter List In Submitting A Ground Mounted Sign For Evaluation 1509 /
- About Door Product Pressure Ratings and Water Infiltration 4445 /
- Instructions for proper use of rooftop equipment wind pressure calculator 3687 /
- What are The Span Limitations of Large Missile Impact Doors – Windows – Shutters? 2583 /
- Requirements of Substituting Glass Panels In Insulating Glass Systems 1187 /
- Requirements of Substituting Insulated Glass Spacers in Glazed Products 1333 /
- How To Determine Uplift Reactions For Canopies-Carports-Pergolas 19787 /
- Can you substitute spacers for insulating glass units (IGU)? 1696 /
- About Plan Store Tokens 8825 /
- Roof Mounted Equipment Height Requirements 7667 /
- Test Laboratories 1722 /
- Permit Runners in South Florida To Consider 3757 /
- Directory of Firms We Work With & Refer Out To 2374 /
- Glossary of Engineering Terms 6181 /
- Egress Emergency Escape Requirements for Windows 5340 /
- About AAMA 2100 and Sunroom Categories 4653 /
- 2020 FBC Product Evaluation Updates 1720 /
- Requirements of Plan Reviewers When Denying Permits & Alternate Methods FBC-IBC Section 104.11 1384 /
- About Impact Requirements & Mechanical Equipment in the Florida Building Code & Essential Facilities 6782 /
- Proof Florida Product Approvals and NOA’s Don’t Require The Original Engineering Seal 2179 /
- Technical Evaluation Report – TER – Types of Product Evaluations Typically Performed By Engineering Express 3550 /
- ASCE Wind Speed Risk Category To Use with Signs & Building Components On-Off Buildings 5611 /
- Florida Statewide Approvals (FSA) – Quality Assurance and Validator Requirements 2638 /
- Perforated Design Method vs. Segmented Design Methods for Shear Walls 9643 /
- Is A Top Rail Required For A Glass Railing? 4327 /
- About Lag Bolts-Screws In Wood – Size – Pullout – Shear 37270 /
- Starter List in Evaluating Your Building Component For Product Approvals & TER’s 2570 /
- Drafting Guidelines & Drawing Tool for Engineering Express Plan Submissions 9745 /
- Whats The Difference Between a Digitally Signed Plan, Electronic Seal, & Scanned Digital Copy of a Plan? 13200 /
- Flood Engineering Glossary 9449 /
- Flood Resistant Design & Floodproofing of Buildings 11361 /
- Is Steel or Reinforcing or Fibermesh Required in Posts & Footings of Building Components? 9016 /
- What is the HVHZ – High Velocity Hurricane Zone – in Florida? 21055 /
- Master Plan Sheet – Product Evaluation – TER Explained 2896 /
- How to Find Wind Speed & Snow Using the ASCE and ATC Hazards Tools by Location Websites 13120 /
- Types of At-Grade Footings Explained 14662 /
- What are alteration levels in construction and how do they relate to delegate engineers? 23751 /
- What’s the difference between aluminum T5 and T6 temper (like 6063-T5 vs 6063-T6 alloy)? 21901 /
- Wind Speed vs. Wind Pressure Explained 13254 /
- ASCE 7 Main Wind Force vs. Components & Cladding Explained (MWFRS vs. C&C) 21491 /
- Is a large missile impact window or door automatically approved for small missile impact? 6410 /
- TEK Sheet Metal Screws (SMS) – About – Sizes – Gauges 38867 /
- Typical Information Needed For Engineering Design of a Patio-Pergola Roof 4774 /
- Designing Interior Glass? Here are some engineering code items to consider 4382 /
- When is an Engineer Seal Required, Why Do We Write ‘Draft’ on Unsealed Work, And About Digital Seals 19625 /
- ASTM, SEI, ISO Fastener Material Properties and Specifications 3128 /
- Case Study: Phantom Screens – Is a Florida Product Approval Required? 3506 /
- 1 Hour Fire Rating For Roof vs Wall 4682 /
- What Seismic area is my location? 2112 /
- Where To Buy Extrusions & Parts 1927 /
- How To Calculate Porosity of a Louver – Sign – Fence Per ASCE 7 6130 /
- Frost Protection For Concrete Footings On Grade – Heave 19237 /
- What are porosity and closure angles when defining a porous building opening? 3817 /
- About The UL 325 Safety Standard for Gate Operators 5937 /
- ASCE 7 Basic Wind Speed 24734 /
- About ASCE 7’s Directionality Factor Kd 15702 /
- ASCE 7 Wall Zones 4 & 5 Explained 32735 /
- ASCE 7 Least Horizontal Dimension – Minimum Building Width 12279 /
- Mean Roof Height (ASCE 7) 40326 /
- Can a Building Inspector or Plan Reviewer Deny The Use of a TER or Master Plan Sheet? 3323 /
- Florida Product Approval and Miami Dade NOA Requirements 31037 /
- What do I do if a TER or Master Plan isn’t enough for a permit? 3437 /
- How do I get a Certified TER or Master Plan Sheet? 3041 /
- What doesn’t a TER or Master Plan Sheet do? 2857 /
- What is a TER and how is it used for permitting? 5513 /
- What is the Minimum Roof Slope for Metal Panels and other Roof Types? 12762 /
- 2015/2018 IRC RAILING GUIDELINES 24560 /
- Procedure For Calculating Aluminum Box Beams For Bending 3648 /
- How to Avoid Contact With Aluminum & Dissimilar Metals 17286 /
- What’s the minimum penetration for lag screws into wood? 23996 /
- Loss of Capacity Due To Welded Aluminum In Railings – Signs – Structures 9044 /
- Steel Bolt Edge Distance Requirements 50783 /
- Metal Fasteners UNC vs Spaced Thread 8285 /
- What’s the dimensional difference between a pipe and a tube? 5051 /
- Understanding Canopies: Design and Load Considerations 27940 /
- Can an engineer design alternate anchorage for a Florida product approval or other product evaluation? 2608 /
- How do I tell if my building is considered “enclosed”? 15219 /
- How do I tell if my building is considered an “open building”? 8800 /
- How do I tell if my building/enclosure is considered “partially enclosed”? 23289 /
- How do I calculate the effective opening area on window or door products? – What opening area should be used for wind pressure determination on a multi-panel product? 18192 /
- What wind information is required for construction documents? 4100 /
- About ASTM E1996-17 Missile Levels 25779 /
- What are the requirements for using ASTM Missile Level E in Florida (2021 updated)? 13151 /
- The Updated Saffir-Simpson Scale 4239 /
- The One-Third (1/3) Stress Increase: Where Is It Now? 9169 /
- Florida Engineers Do Not Have To File A Notice To Owner To Lien A Property 4849 /
- What is a window or door buck 20077 /
- Why are spacing, edge distance, and embedment important for concrete anchors? 40403 /
- What wind speed should I use for my project? 13661 /
- Did the wind loading requirements change for rooftop structures for ASCE 7-22 – ASCE 7-16 & The Florida Building Code? 4083 /
- Should a professional utilize the ASD (“Allowable Stress Design”) method or the LRFD (“Load Resistance Factored Design”) method when calculating the required wind pressure for use with tested / approved systems? 17383 /