Open-Walled Canopy & Pergola Design Loading Calculator

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For At-Grade Freestanding or Host Attached Canopies & Pergolas Using ASCE 7-22 / IBC 2021 / FBC 2023
host attached pergola
For Help, Hover Labels, See Images Below, Or Visit The Glossary
Canopy Load Calculator - V4 2 24 2024 - ASCE 7-22
  Site Conditions  
  Wind Conditions  
Input Ultimate Wind Speed, Vult, Based on Location
This can be found at and is subject to your local building department
Determine your site exposure category. Help can be found at
Is your structure being installed in Florida's High Velocity Hurricane Zone? HVHZ Zone?
  Snow & Ice Conditions  
Ground Snow Load can be found at or via your local building department's design standards.
The ASCE 7-22 Chapter 10 Details a required ice loading calculation for "icing-sensitive" structures. This is required for pergolas with mechanically opening louvers and trellised roofs. Use the map at the link below to find your local icing thickness (between 0" and 2")
  Seismic Conditions  
Due to their smaller size and construction, ground mounted canopies and pergolas do not always require seismic design analysis. However, some high-seismic activity areas require these calculaitons. Refer your local building department or contact us if you have any questions. Consider Seismic?
Ss and S1 values can be found at by searching your address, and selecting "seismic", Risk Category II, & Site Class D (Default)
Ss and S1 values can be found at by searching your address, and selecting "seismic", Risk Category II, & Site Class D (Default) S1
SDC Classification can be found at by searching your address, and selecting "seismic", Risk Category II, & Site Class D (Default). If not shown, refer your local building department designation. Calculations are not valid for SDC E and F SDC
Structure Design
or Host Attached?
Other roof styles such as flat pan roofs can be approximated with this tool, but will need additional certification from a structural engineer. Roof Type
For Roof Design, Wind is considered to flow through a porous system, such as louvers or trellis roof. For this, operable louvers are to be kepth in the open & locked position during a wind event with sustained winds of 45 mph or greater. Roof Wind Porosity
For porous roof systems, snow will partially build up in low-snow areas, and will fully bridge between roof elements in high-snow areas. Roof Snow Porosity
Total structure length, including any overhangs or extensions
Total structure width, including any overhangs or extensions Structure Width
Total structure height from ground to highest point Structure Height
Roof Slope (Per 12")
Wind and snow drift calculations are affected by how tall an attached canopy is in relation to its host's eave height. Attachment Location
Select this option to show detailed results and a full loading breakdown. Certified report pages will always show full loading breakdowns, including relevant design coefficients and parameters used in calculations Show Detailed Results?
  Master Plan Design Aid:  
Use these ASD Design Pressure values for elements which do not contribute to the structure's main structural system. This can include but is not limited to louver blades, rafters, windows, shutters, and non-structural attachments.
Note that these pressures do not apply for walled structures, as many wind calculations would be affected.
Components &
Cladding (C&C)
Use these ASD Design Pressure values for design of the structure's main wind force resisting system. This may include but is not limited to structural roof panels, beams, mullions, posts, and other structural connections.
Note that these pressures do not apply for walled structures, as many wind calculations would be affected.
Main Wind Force Resisting System (MWFRS)
The pressures listed below are unfactored, LRFD pressures. These values have been considered in calculation of the ASD design load combinations above as detailed in ASCE 7-22, ch 2.4 for the conditions considered & listed in the sealed report. Detailed Loading Breakdown
  Static Design Conditions  
Dead Load PSF
Roof Live Load PSF
Reduced Roof Live Load PSF
  Wind Loads  
C&C - Gravity (+) PSF
C&C - Uplift (-) PSF
C&C - Lateral PSF
Main Wind Force
Gravity (+)
Main Wind Force
Uplift (-)
Main Wind Force
  Snow Loads  
Ground Snow Load PSF
Flat Roof Snow Load PSF
Distributed Surcharge Snow Load PSF
Rain-On-Snow Surcharge PSF
Design Snow Load PSF
  Icing Loads  
Where icing loads are considered, reduced wind speeds and pressures have also been considered.
Where icing loads are considered, reduced wind speeds and pressures have also been considered. Icing Load On Beams
  Seismic Loads  
Effective Seismic Moment LB* FT
  Design Load Combinations  
C&C - Gravity (+)  
C&C - Uplift (-)  
C&C - Lateral  
Main Wind Force
Gravity (+)
Main Wind Force
Uplift (-)
Main Wind Force
Version 3.0
© Engineering Express Updated 2/25/2024

Open-Walled Canopy & Pergola Design Loading Calculator

$150.00 or ( 15 Tokens )

Find design pressures for your at-grade freestanding or host-attached canopy-pergola-trellis per ASCE 7 ASC load combinations ASCE 7-22 / IBC 2021 / FBC 2023

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The document you are purchasing is a generic performance evaluation. Use of this document for any site-specific application is the responsibility of others. Installations beyond the performance limitations listed within the purchased document, any site-specific designs/certifications, or California-specific projects shall require custom engineering and invalidate the use of this evaluation. Learn more about the use of this document

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