Nortek: Packaged Units

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Nortek: Packaged Units

$80.00$100.00 or ( 8 Tokens - 10 Tokens )

This document is sold as an engineer-certified report for permitting Nortek: Packaged Units meeting model numbers listed below. The document meets the requirements of the structural wind integrity per the selected building code above using ASCE 7 for the structural approval of unit housing and tie-down clip capacities. This report will be signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer of the firm when purchased and delivered to you via email (using the digital seal method, within 24 hours) or mail (UPS Ground for printed and signed hardcopies, next day in South Florida). Use it with your site-specific documents to obtain a building permit.

Digitally certified documents are licensed to the provided contractor and zip code up to the time frame listed. For extensions beyond that date, use the Online Chat to request an extension.

This report applies to the following model numbers:

Model Number Depth (in) Width (in) Height (in) Model Number Weight (lbs) Depth (in) Width (in) Height (in)
*P94RD-024K 49 35 22.2 P8SE-X48C 480 47.5 55.8 39
*P94RD-030K 49 35 22.2 P8SE-X48D 405 47.5 55.8 39
*P94RD-036K 49 35 22.2 P8SE-X48K 480 47.5 55.8 39
*P94RD-042K 49 35 30.2 P8SE-X60C 415 47.5 55.8 43
*P94RD-048K 49 35 30.2 P8SE-X60D 480 47.5 55.8 43
*P94RD-060K 63 35 38.2 P8SE-X60K 415 47.5 55.8 43
*P95RD024K 49.0 35 22.2 PDF2SFX24K080CB 480 47.5 55.8 39
*P95RD030K 49.0 35 22.2 PDF2SFX36K100CB 480 47.5 55.8 43
*P95RD036K 49.0 35 22.2 PDF2SFX48K120CB 612 47.5 55.8 43
*P95RD042K 49.0 35 30.2 PDF2SFX60K120CB 612 47.5 63.6 47
*P95RD048K 49.0 35 30.2 PPA3SE-X36K 415 47.5 55.8 39
*P95RD060K 63.0 35 38.2 PPA3SE-X48K 405 47.5 55.8 39
*Q104SD-X24K 47.5 55.8 39 PPA3SE-X60K 480 47.5 55.8 43
*Q104SD-X30K 47.5 55.8 39 PPG2GFX24K080XA 460 47.5 55.8 39
*Q104SD-X36K 47.5 55.8 39 PPG2GFX36K100XA 480 47.5 55.8 39
*Q104SD-X42K 47.5 55.8 43 PPG2GFX48K120XA 609 47.5 55.8 47
*Q104SD-X48K 47.5 55.8 43 PPG2GFX60K120XA 659 47.5 63.6 47
*Q104SD-X60K 47.5 55.8 43 PPG3GE024K045C 397 47.5 55.8 35
*Q94RD-024K 49 35 30.2 PPG3GE024K072C 405 47.5 55.8 35
*Q94RD-030K 49 35 30.2 PPG3GE030K045C 398 47.5 55.8 35
*Q94RD-036K 49 35 30.2 PPH2SEX24K 400 47.5 55.8 39
*Q94RD-042K 49 35 30.2 PPH2SEX30K 400 47.5 55.8 39
*Q94RD-048K 63 35 38.2 PPH2SEX36K 400 47.5 55.8 39
*Q94RD-060K 63 35 38.2 PPH2SEX42K 507 47.5 55.8 43
*Q95RD-024K 49 35 30.2 PPH2SEX48K 507 47.5 55.8 43
*Q95RD-030K 49 35 30.2 PPH2SEX60K 508 47.5 55.8 43
*Q95RD-036K 49 35 30.2 Q6SE-X24K 400 47.5 55.8 39
*Q95RD-042K 49 35 38.2 Q6SE-X30K 400 47.5 55.8 39
*Q95RD-048K 63 35 38.2 Q6SE-X36K 400 47.5 55.8 39
*Q95RD-060K 63 35 38.2 Q6SE-X42K 507 47.5 55.8 43
*R104GD-024K045C 47.5 55.8 35 Q6SE-X48K 507 47.5 55.8 43
*R104GD-024K072C 47.5 55.8 35 Q6SE-X60K 508 47.5 55.8 43
*R104GD-030K045C 47.5 55.8 35 R6GF-X24K080XB 460 47.5 55.8 39
*R104GD-030K072C 47.5 55.8 35 R6GF-X36K100XB 480 47.5 55.8 39
*R104GD-036K072C 47.5 55.8 35 R6GF-X48K120XB 609 47.5 55.8 47
*R104GD-036K096C 47.5 55.8 35 R6GF-X60K120XB 659 47.5 63.6 47
*R104GD-042K072C 47.5 55.8 39 VR8GE-024K045C 397 47.5 55.8 35
*R104GD-042K096C 47.5 55.8 39 VR8GE-024K072C 405 47.5 55.8 35
*R104GD-048K096C 47.5 55.8 43 VR8GE-030K045C 398 47.5 55.8 35
*R104GD-048K120C 47.5 55.8 43 VR8GE-024K045X 397 47.5 55.8 35
*R104GD-X60K096C 47.5 55.8 43 VR8GE-030K045X 398 47.5 55.8 35
*R104GD-X60K120C 47.5 55.8 43 VR8GE-030K072C 406 47.5 55.8 35
R104HD-X24K060C 47.5 55.8 35 VR8GE-036K072C 403 47.5 55.8 35
R104HD-X30K060C 47.5 55.8 35 VR8GE-036K072X 403 47.5 55.8 35
R104HD-X36K080C 47.5 55.8 35 VR8GE-036K096C 411 47.5 55.8 35
R104HD-X42K080C 47.5 55.8 39 VR8GE-042K072C 435 47.5 55.8 39
R104HD-X48K096C 47.5 55.8 43 VR8GE-042K096C 443 47.5 55.8 39
R104HD-X60K096C 47.5 55.8 47 VR8GE-042K096X 443 47.5 55.8 39
P7RE-018K 49 35 22.2 VR8GE-048K096C 453 47.5 55.8 39
P7RE-024K 49 35 22.2 VR8GE-048K096X 453 47.5 55.8 39
P7RE-030K 49 35 22.2 VR8GE-048K120C 461 47.5 55.8 39
P7RE-036K 49 35 22.2 VR8GE-X60K096C 472 47.5 55.8 43
P7RE-042K 49 35 30.2 VR8GE-X60K096X 472 47.5 55.8 43
P7RE-048K 49 35 30.2 VR8GE-X60K120C 480 47.5 55.8 43
P7RE-X60KA 49 35 34.2 PPG2GIE24K080X 460 47.5 55.8 39
P7RF-X24K 49 35 30.2 PPG2GIE36K100X 480 47.5 55.8 39
P7RF-X36K 49 35 30.2 PPG2GIE48K120X 609 47.5 55.8 47
P7RF-X48K 49 35 38.2 PPG2GIE60K120X 659 47.5 63.6 47
P7RF-X60K 63 35 38.2 PPG3GE024K045X 397 47.5 55.8 35
PPA3RFX24K 49 35 30.2 PPG3GE030K045X 398 47.5 55.8 35
PPA3RFX36K 49 35 30.2 PPG3GE030K072C 406 47.5 55.8 35
PPA3RFX48K 49 35 38.2 PPG3GE036K072C 403 47.5 55.8 35
PPA3RFX60K 63 35 38.2 PPG3GE036K072X 403 47.5 55.8 35
PPH3RFX24K 49 35 30.2 PPG3GE036K096C 411 47.5 55.8 35
PPH3RFX36KA 49 35 38.2 PPG3GE042K072C 435 47.5 55.8 39
PPH3RFX48K 63 35 38.2 PPG3GE042K096C 443 47.5 55.8 39
PPH3RFX60K 63 35 38.2 PPG3GE042K096X 443 47.5 55.8 39
Q7RE-024K 49 35 30.2 PPG3GE048K096C 453 47.5 55.8 39
Q7RE-030K 49 35 30.2 PPG3GE048K096X 453 47.5 55.8 39
Q7RE-036K 49 35 30.2 PPG3GE048K120C 461 47.5 55.8 39
Q7RE-042K 49 35 30.2 PPG3GEX60K096C 472 47.5 55.8 43
Q7RE-048K 63 35 38.2 PPG3GEX60K096X 472 47.5 55.8 43
Q7RE-060K 63 35 38.2 PPG3GEX60K120C 480 47.5 55.8 43
Q7RF-X24K 49 35 30.2 PPG3HEX24K060XA 380 47.5 55.8 35
Q7RF-X36KA 49 35 30.2 PPG3HEX30K060XA 384 47.5 55.8 35
Q7RF-X48K 63 35 30.2 PPG3HEX36K080XA 391 47.5 55.8 35
Q7RF-X60K 63 35 30.2 PPG3HEX42K080XA 407 47.5 55.8 39
RP7RE-018K 49 35 22.2 PPG3HEX48K096XA 455 47.5 55.8 43
RP7RE-024K 49 35 22.2 PPG3HEX60K096XA 485 47.5 55.8 47
RP7RE-030K 49 35 22.2 R6GI-E24K080X 460 47.5 55.8 39
RP7RE-036K 49 35 22.2 R6GI-E36K100X 480 47.5 55.8 39
RP7RE-042K 49 35 30.2 R6GI-E48K120X 609 47.5 55.8 47
RP7RE-048K 49 35 30.2 R6GI-E60K120X 659 47.5 63.6 47
RP7RE-X60KA 49 35 34.2 R8GE-024K045C1 397 47.5 55.8 35
RP7RF-X24K 49 35 30.2 R8GE-024K072C1 405 47.5 55.8 35
RP7RF-X36K 49 35 30.2 R8GE-030K045C1 398 47.5 55.8 35
RP7RF-X48K 49 35 38.2 R8GE-030K045X1 398 47.5 55.8 35
RP7RF-X60K 63 35 38.2 R8GE-030K072C1 406 47.5 55.8 35
RQ7RE-024K 49 35 30.2 R8GE-036K072C1 403 47.5 55.8 35
RQ7RE-030K 49 35 30.2 R8GE-036K072X1 403 47.5 55.8 35
RQ7RE-036K 49 35 30.2 R8GE-036K096C1 411 47.5 55.8 35
RQ7RE-042K 49 35 30.2 R8GE-042K072C1 435 47.5 55.8 39
RQ7RE-048K 63 35 38.2 R8GE-042K096C1 443 47.5 55.8 39
RQ7RE-060K 63 35 38.2 R8GE-042K096X1 443 47.5 55.8 39
VP7RE-024K 49 35 22.2 R8GE-048K096C1 453 47.5 55.8 39
VP7RE-030K 49 35 22.2 R8GE-048K096X1 453 47.5 55.8 39
VP7RE-036K 49 35 22.2 R8GE-048K120C1 461 47.5 55.8 39
VP7RE-042K 49 35 30.2 R8GE-X24K045X1 397 47.5 55.8 35
VP7RE-048K 49 35 30.2 R8GE-X60K096C1 472 47.5 55.8 43
VP7RE-X60KA 49 35 34.2 R8GE-X60K096X1 472 47.5 55.8 43
VQ7RE-024K 49 35 30.2 R8GE-X60K120C1 480 47.5 55.8 43
VQ7RE-030K 49 35 30.2 R8HE-X24K060XA 380 47.5 55.8 35
VQ7RE-036K 49 35 30.2 R8HE-X30K060XA 384 47.5 55.8 35
VQ7RE-042K 49 35 30.2 R8HE-X36C080X 391 47.5 55.8 35
VQ7RE-048K 63 35 38.2 R8HE-X36D080X 408 47.5 55.8 35
VQ7RE-060K 63 35 38.2 R8HE-X36K080XA 391 47.5 55.8 35
DF6SF-X24K080CB 47.5 55.8 39 R8HE-X42K080XA 407 47.5 55.8 39
DF6SF-X36K100CB 47.5 55.8 43 R8HE-X48C096X 455 47.5 55.8 43
DF6SF-X48K120CB 47.5 55.8 43 R8HE-X48D096X 472 47.5 55.8 43
DF6SF-X60K120CB 47.5 63.6 47 R8HE-X48K096XA 455 47.5 55.8 43
P8SE-X36C 47.5 55.8 39 R8HE-X60C096X 485 47.5 55.8 47
P8SE-X36D 47.5 55.8 39 R8HE-X60D096X 502 47.5 55.8 47
P8SE-X36K 47.5 55.8 39 R8HE-X60K096XA 485 47.5 55.8 47

What is a TER and how is it used for permitting?

What’s the difference between a TER and a Miami Dade NOA or FL Product Approval?

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What Doesn’t a TER Do?

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As of November 1, 2024, All building departments in Broward county require files submitted to their online permitting portal to be formatted differently.

Weight 0.8000 lbs
Dimensions 0.0450 × 8.5000 × 11.0000 in
Plan Designer

Engineering Express

Plan Type

Technical Evaluation Report-TER, Manufacturer Plans

Plan Format

Digitally Sealed Online-Only File, Raised Sealed Embossed Physical Copy



The document you are purchasing is a generic performance evaluation. Use of this document for any site-specific application is the responsibility of others. Installations beyond the performance limitations listed within the purchased document, any site-specific designs/certifications, or California-specific projects shall require custom engineering and invalidate the use of this evaluation. Learn more about the use of this document

Click here to request a quote for us to provide these services, which can also be provided by others who would then become responsible for the applicability of this evaluation. Contact Us if there are any questions and always consult with a design professional before using any generic performance evaluations with your project.
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