What wind information is required for construction documents?

From the 5th, 6th &7th Edition of the Florida Building Code (2014, 2017, 2020) section 1603.1.4 as well as from section 1603.1.4. of the 2012, 2015, & 2018 International Building Code, construction documents shall show the following:


  1. Ultimate design wind speed, Vult (3-second gust), miles per hour and nominal design wind speed (Vasd) as determined in accordance with code section 1609.3.1
  2. Risk Category
  3. Wind exposure (and applicable wind direction if more than one wind exposure is utilized)
  4. Applicable internal pressure coefficient
  5. Design wind pressures (in PSF) to be used for exterior component and cladding materials not specified by the registered design professional responsible for the design of the structure

Additionally, it is recommended that the design wind pressure be listed as ultimate or allowable so as to properly compare that with product & design specifications of a project.

Section 1603.1. requires general floor & roof live load information, 1603.1.3 requires roof snow load data1603.1.5 requires seismic (earthquake), 11603.1.6 requires geotechnical information, 603.7 requires flood design data which can be found in their respective areas.  You can CLICK HERE for access to the 2020 FBC code online and CLICK HERE for the 2015 IBC Code.

Design criteria is to be specified and certified by a design professional.

Help in determining wind design forces for mechanical units

The following is a guide in determining the resultant lateral and uplift forces on rooftop & ground mounted mechanical units per ASCE 7-16.

Click here to view Guide*


*Note: the guide is not to be considered an engineering prescription.  It is to be used by other design professionals to aid them in determining forces to be used with our evaluation reports on a site specific basis.  Please Contact Us to assist you with your project if you are in need of an expert design professional for this type of analysis.


Last Update: March 31, 2021  

January 4, 2021  Codes & Standards  
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